Young carers

A case study with young carers and Carers Trust Scotland

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Carers Trust is a charity which works to improve support, services and recognition for carers. They reach around 66,000 adult carers and young carers from all groups and communities, through a network of local carer organisations throughout Scotland.

Carers Trust Scotland undertakes national work to improve awareness, identification and support for all young carers and young adult carers in Scotland. Read more about their young carer and young adult carer work.

Carers Trust Scotland said:

“The group of young adult carers we spoke to regarding their views on free bus travel are from different areas of Scotland and a common theme from all was the impact it has had on their finances. By being able to travel for free on the bus, some have been able to seek employment and not have the cost of commuting impact their wages.

“It is also clear the positive impact this initiative has had relating to elements of their caring roles as they are able to pick up prescriptions, take they person they care for to and from appointments and able to access their local carer service.

“With there being many hidden costs of caring, providing young people with free access to bus travel has been able to ease some financial pressures and been overall beneficial.”

Young carers said:

“Before I was rarely on the bus, but now I am on the bus most days.”

“I use it to go to the pharmacy to pick up my mum’s prescription and take her to hospital appointments. My mum prefers if I come with her to her appointments and she also has a free bus pass, so we can both go together for free.”

“It has made a difference to me because I get to go see my pals more as I can get myself there and home without needing a lift or spending loads of money.”

“It has meant I can get a part time job in the city centre which is a bit further from my house. There aren’t many jobs close to my house so it has meant I can travel for work without it eating into my wages.”

“I have been able to go somewhere that isn’t my local area and visit new cities and towns.”