The benefits

How free bus travel can help you

Free bus travel opens doors

With free bus travel, it’s easier, cheaper and greener than ever to get around.

  • Choose the bus and go green. Using low-emission and lower carbon public transport improves air quality in towns and cities by reducing car journeys. It all helps to make Scotland cleaner and greener.
  • Open up opportunities and unlock your potential. Whether it’s a chance to travel further afield for work, study or apprenticeships, or you simply want to see more of Scotland, free bus journeys make it easier to hop on board and enjoy life.
  • Save money on the costs of travel and reduce household outgoings. Free bus travel will help to ensure equality of opportunity for children and young people in Scotland – building life skills, confidence and independence. You can read more about offers, tips on saving money, benefits and find some helpful links on the Young Scot website.
  • Jump on the bus and discover your freedom. From scenic walks and iconic heritage sites to first class museums and vibrant cities, it’s time to explore more.

Good for your pocket, good for the planet

Hear more about how free bus travel will help some young people.

Making day trips more affordable

Taking the bus is good for the planet and good for your pocket too. Take a look at some examples of the cost savings the scheme could offer you.

Day trip – A day out in time…

Dundee to Fossil Grove Victoria Park, Glasgow

Who: Mum, dad and two kids

Cost of travel before scheme: £42.60

Cost now: £27.40

Who: Grandparents and two children

Cost of travel before scheme: £15.20

Cost now: Free

Day trip – Skate away…

Largs to Unit 23 Skatepark, Dumbarton

Who: 17 year old

Cost of travel before scheme: £11.60

Cost now: Free

Getting the bus

If getting the bus is new to you, here are some handy tips for turning you into a bus-trip pro.

Getting and using your card

Nearly one million children and young people under 22 in Scotland can now benefit from free bus travel.

Planning a journey

It’s always a good idea to plan your journey but especially if you are new to it.

Going green

The scheme is part of the Scottish Government’s plan to build a fairer, greener society.